Author: Ghostly#1616 (Founder of VerCord)
Starting Off
Verification is a key part of owning, managing, or even moderating a Discord server. That is why we (Team From VerCord) decided to provide an article on the BEST verification methods you should choose from!
Captcha Verification
Captcha verification is a go-to for Discord servers. Not only is it a really good choice, it’s used by many servers and users all over Discord. Captcha verification is pretty easy to find as VerCord offers an amazing customizable captcha method for you to use. — (many other bots have captcha verification as well).
Why is captcha verification a good choice?
Captcha verification is a really good choice when it comes to verification as it’s one of the safest methods out there. — (which is the reason many bots have it as a feature). Captcha verification makes it insanely hard(er) for bots to verify in your server. If you use a “word” captcha, it can confuse AI or bots in which will not let them through into your server. Keep in mind that some “older” captcha methods might not work as efficiently for you so make sure you really look into a good captcha.
Multi-Step Verification
Multi-step verification is also a go-to option for verification as it makes sure users understand what they are required to do before entering your server. This can include your server rules/guidelines, a question for users to answer — (making sure they read to answer), or even a “quiz” where a user has to click a certain button 2–3 times to verify.
Why should I use this method?
You should use this method as it will force users to take more time and really understand what they are getting into before chatting within your server. This verification method is currently not available within VerCord but should be very shortly.
Command Verification
Verification through a command sometimes will be a good option but it always depends on the type of command verification you have. For example, if you have a message in a channel that tells a user what to type (Example: v!verify) it might not be the best verification as it just requires a user to read a short message and type a command. If you have the command “hidden” in your server rules, it will require a user to read the rules before verifying.
Wait Before Verifying Verification
This might sound a little weird so let me explain it in depth. Lets say you have it set that when a user joins your server, they are required to wait 5 minutes. You might not think this is a good way of verification or maybe not verification at all but it really limits the amount of raids from bots or real users as it has them wait before even being able to chat within your server.
How do I do this?
This is actually very easy to do as you can do it directly from your server settings. All you have to do is go to server settings > safety setup > and choose the “high” option that will require users to wait 10 minutes before chatting in your server.